Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
    Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
    Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
    Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
    Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
    Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
    Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
    Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
    Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!
Outdoor Swing Set with Swing & Saucer Swing - Fun for Kids!

Outdoor Swing Set with Swing and Saucer Swing - Ref: hp-3283605

Reference: hp-3283605

Weight: 26.06 kg

Free delivery for UK
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Transform your garden into a vibrant playground with our Outdoor Swing Set featuring both a traditional swing seat and a saucer swing. Designed for children aged 3-10, this versatile swing set encourages active play, helping kids improve their balance, coordination, and strength. Built with a heavy-duty, rust-resistant painted steel frame, it offers exceptional stability and safety with an A-shaped structure. The adjustable swing seat grows with your child, accommodating varying heights for endless fun. Ideal for gardens, backyards, or nurseries, this swing set has a maximum load capacity of 150 kg. Easy to assemble and available in blue and red, it’s a perfect addition to outdoor playtime!
Out of Stock

Estimated total delivery time: 6
Estimated dispatch time: 1

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Disc Swing Colour blue Quantity in Package 1 Model 2x swing seat + trapeze + disc swing Out of Stock     Color: blue   Quantity in Package: 1   Model: 2x swing seat + trapeze + disc swing  Outdoor Swing Set with Swings and Disc Swing Colour red Quantity in Package 1 Model 2x swing seat + disc swing Out of Stock     Color: red   Quantity in Package: 1   Model: 2x swing seat + disc swing  Outdoor Swing Set with 3 Swings Colour red Quantity in Package 1 Model 3x swing seat Out of Stock     Color: red   Quantity in Package: 1   Model: 3x swing seat  Outdoor Swing Set with Swing, Trapeze, Ladder Colour blue Quantity in Package 1 Model swing seat + trapeze + disc swing Out of Stock     Color: blue   Quantity in Package: 1   Model: swing seat + trapeze + disc swing  Outdoor Swing Set with Swing. Trapeze. Ladder Colour red Quantity in Package 1 Model swing seat + trapeze + ladder Out of Stock     Color: red   Quantity in Package: 1   Model: swing seat + trapeze + ladder  Outdoor Swing Set with Swing, Ladder, Saucer Swing Colour blue Quantity in Package 1 Model swing seat + ladder + saucer swing Out of Stock     Color: blue   Quantity in Package: 1   Model: swing seat + ladder + saucer swing  Outdoor Swing Set with Swing, Ladder, Nest Swing Colour red Quantity in Package 1 Model swing seat + ladder + nest swing Out of Stock     Color: red   Quantity in Package: 1   Model: swing seat + ladder + nest swing  Outdoor Swing Set with Swing. Trapeze. Ladder. 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Disc Swing Colour blue Quantity in Package 1 Model 2x swing seat + ladder + disc swing Out of Stock     Color: blue   Quantity in Package: 1   Model: 2x swing seat + ladder + disc swing  Outdoor Swing Set with Swings and Trapeze Colour blue Quantity in Package 1 Model 3x swing seat + trapeze Out of Stock     Color: blue   Quantity in Package: 1   Model: 3x swing seat + trapeze  Outdoor Swing Set with Nest Swing Colour blue Quantity in Package 1 Model nest swing Out of Stock     Color: blue   Quantity in Package: 1   Model: nest swing  Outdoor Swing Set with Swings. Trapeze. 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Turn your garden into a playground for your children with this outdoor swing set! Fun activity centre: This children's swing set features 2 different playing options with a swing seat and a saucer swing. Thus, kids can swing and climb to their heart's content.Heavy-duty metal frame: This swing frame is made of painted steel pipes that are rust-resistant, exceptionally sturdy, and resistant to deformation, ensuring excellent stability and durability. The A-shaped structure offers strong support without any wobbling.Adjustable swing seat: This garden swing is designed to grow with your child, making it suitable for toddlers and growing kids alike. By adjusting the rope length, you can easily accommodate your child's changing needs.Multifunctional outdoor toys for children: This garden swing set helps kids improve their balance, coordination, agility, strength and endurance while providing a variety of ways to play and exercise.Wide applications: This swing frame can be placed in various locations such as gardens, backyards, nurseries, playgrounds, and more. Good to know:For safety, please ensure that each swing is for one child at a time.

  • Colour: Blue, dark green, red
  • Material: Painted steel, PE (polyethylene), oxford fabric, PP (polypropylene)
  • Recommended age: 3 - 10 years
  • For outdoor use
  • Assembly required: Yes
  • Swing frame:
  • Dimensions: 273.5 x 185 x 185 cm (L x W x H)
  • Max. load capacity: 150 kg
  • Swing seat:
  • Dimensions: 37 x 16 x 9 cm (L x W x H)
  • Max. height: 159 cm
  • Max. load capacity: 50 kg
  • Saucer swing:
  • Swing seat diameter: 110 cm
  • Height: 105-180 cm
  • Max. load capacity: 100 kg
Delivery contains:1 x Swing frame1 x Swing seat1 x Saucer swing1.WARNING: Not suitable for children under 36 months.2.WARNING: Only for domestic use.

Data sheet

Number of packages
Product volume
Estimated total delivery time
Estimated dispatch time
Parcel or pallet
Painted steel, PE (polyethylene), oxford fabric, PP (polypropylene)
Delivery contains
1 x Swing frame, 1 x Swing seat, 1 x Saucer swing
Assembly required

Specific References


Transform Your Garden with the Outdoor Swing Set with Swing and Saucer Swing Looking to elevate your backyard fun? The Outdoor Swing Set with Swing and Saucer Swing is the ultimate addition to any garden, turning it into a vibrant playground that will keep your children engaged, active, and smiling for hours on end. Not only does it provide a range of play options, but it also promotes physical development and social interaction among kids. Read on to discover why this swing set is a must-have for your outdoor space! Fun Activity Centre for Endless Adventure Designed to cater to children's diverse play needs, this swing set offers two distinct options: a classic swing seat and a spacious saucer swing. Whether your kids prefer soaring through the air on a traditional swing or lounging comfortably with friends on the saucer, this playset guarantees delightful adventures. Children can seamlessly transition between swinging and climbing, thereby enhancing their creativity and playtime enjoyment. Durable Construction for Long-Lasting Play Heavy-duty Metal Frame: The swing frame is constructed from painted steel pipes that are rust-resistant and exceptionally sturdy. This high-quality design ensures excellent stability and durability, allowing it to withstand daily use and various weather conditions. The innovative A-shaped structure provides robust support without any wobbling, making it a safe choice for your little ones. Adjustable Features for Growing Kids The adjustable swing seat is a fantastic feature that accommodates toddlers and growing children alike. As your child grows, you can easily adjust the rope length to match their height and swinging style. This flexibility not only enhances comfort but also extends the lifespan of the swing set, making it a worthwhile investment for years to come. Multifunctional Outdoor Play This swing set isn’t just a source of entertainment; it also plays a vital role in your child's physical development. As they swing, they improve their balance, coordination, agility, strength, and endurance. The variety of play options stimulates different muscle groups and encourages outdoor exercise, which is crucial in today's increasingly digital age. Versatile Placement for Any Setting The Outdoor Swing Set is versatile enough to be placed in various settings. Whether it's in your garden, backyard, nursery, or local playground, this swing frame adds a touch of joy and excitement to any environment. Create a social hub for neighborhood kids or a tranquil retreat for your own at-home adventures. Safety First! For peace of mind, it's essential to ensure that only one child uses each swing at a time. Designed for children aged 3 to 10 years, this swing set meets stringent safety standards, making it a reliable option for family fun. Specifications Colour Options: Blue, Dark Green, Red Material: Painted Steel, PE (Polyethylene), Oxford Fabric, PP (Polypropylene) Dimensions: 273.5 x 185 x 185 cm (L x W x H) Max Load Capacity: 150 kg (Swing Frame), 50 kg (Swing Seat), 100 kg (Saucer Swing) Swing Seat Dimensions: 37 x 16 x 9 cm (L x W x H) Saucer Swing Diameter: 110 cm Delivery Includes: Swing Frame, Swing Seat, Saucer Swing Conclusion Don't miss out on the opportunity to bring joy, exercise, and creativity into your children's lives. The Outdoor Swing Set with Swing and Saucer Swing is built for fun and designed for longevity. It’s more than just a playset; it’s a means to create memorable moments with family and friends. Order yours today and watch your backyard turn into a playground paradise!

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